The Happy Farmer’s ‘Turner Art Piece’
The two bags of cement that have been beside the pottery door are annoying me. Each time I suggest we move them the Happy Farmer assures me that they are there to serve a purpose. Very soon they will be put to ‘good use’.
The Happy Farmer is a busy man, with many jobs on the go at once, from running the accommodation alongside me, glazing and firing the pottery, looking after the animals, and not forgetting nurturing his ‘building-itus’ condition. In the time I have known the Happy Farmer he has renovated and built two cottages out of ruins, stripped a large farmhouse back to its bare four walls and completely re roofed and renovated it, developed the old stables into a bed and breakfast wing, and an old byre into a pottery. Building plans continue to evolve each year. At present he is working away at developing a new laundry room, with lots of other plans continually circulating in his mind.
Today then, when I met him on his feed duties, having arrived back at the farmyard with the dogs, I noticed ‘those’ two bags of cement outside the pottery, glaring at me. The two bags of cement stacked neatly on top of a wooden toadstool have become part of the fixtures and fittings of the pottery, as they have lain there for the past two years, too heavy for me to move myself. Having cleared the pottery border the other day and pruned all the dead branches from the bushes those cement bags are in full view. I couldn’t resist asking then…. the Happy Farmer doesn’t heed my nagging though. He just gave me a huge grin
‘That is my award-winning Turner Prize’….
Next time, my friends, you see a piece of old plough, or a discarded peat cutter lying around, know that it was indeed loving placed there. It is not just farming ‘guddle’ or West Highland Clutter’. Living on our ‘creative’ farm….that piece is historical, a piece of Art, ‘Farming Art’ and you’ve got to love the Happy Farmer’s ‘artistry’… Is it a good thing that suburban ways are gradually transforming the island into neat gleaming buildings, with neat manicured lawns and flower beds, mono blocked drive ways with perfect lighting? Persabus has the luxury of ‘West Highland mono blocking’ full of West Highland character and charm. It is a working hill farm.
A warm welcome is awaiting you from all of us at Persabus.
Until next time….