An Islay Hogmanay

Enjoy Islay’s New Year celebrations, known in Scotland as Hogmanay. Steeped in wonderful Scottish traditions with ceilidhs, ‘first footing’, clootie dumplings, music and dancing.
As one-year glides into the next, there’s no avoiding the passing of time. Whether you toast the bells at a riotous party. Huddle together in the crisp dark night, watching the sky light up in a blaze of fireworks. Or whether you choose to curl up in front of a cosy fire with a good dram.

Ne’er Day dawns, and what could be better than heading to a windswept beach ? Enjoy a walk along the shoreline to celebrate the first day of a brand new year. That fresh sea air, the sound of the waves lapping on the shoreline. It really is about taking some time out. Enjoying some time for yourself, your family and your friends. Where better to do that, but on the beautiful Hebridean Isle of Islay?

Islay offers a truly unique and magical Scottish Hogmanay experience for all.
Enjoy the Experience of a Traditional Hogmanay at Persabus
With two beautiful, traditional stone built cottages, our accommodation at Persabus is cosy and warm. The perfect setting to immerse yourself in the wonders of the island’s Hogmanay celebrations. Just imagine waking up to those picturesque views across to the Isle of Jura. Enjoying the beauty of our secluded setting on a Hebridean hill farm. A cosy Rayburn awaits. Creating a warm glow in the farmhouse kitchen in Persabus Cottage. Enjoy feeling toasty cosy enjoying a light brunch before heading out across the headland to explore the Island’s beautiful beaches.

A long history on Islay and we celebrate a traditional Hogmanay at Persabus. A supper of roast venison around a roaring fire. We then usually head out to one of the local hotels for a quick drink before the ‘bells’.
It is traditional in Scotland to return home for the bells, to welcome in the New Year. Over the years our guests in the holiday cottages often join us. There’s always a welcome in the main farmhouse as we celebrate the ‘bells’, and enjoy an authentic Scottish Hogmanay.
My first Islay Hogmanay and it was incredibly exciting. Scotland really is special when it comes to New Year celebrations.
It had started with a large gathering in the local Hotel
The air fizzy with the excitement of the party season. All the hopes and dreams as one year set to merge into the next. It felt strange then to leave the party. As I suddenly found myself being bundled out of the door by a kilt clad Happy Farmer. Out into the eye of a storm. Last orders called, and the bar would always empty well before midnight. Definitely expect to see kilts when you head to Persabus for Hogmanay!
Homeward for ‘the bells’, a time-honoured tradition in the Highlands and islands.

The Farmhouse ‘Snug’
The ferocious storm cut out the power. So we huddled in the small snug. The warmest room in the old farmhouse. Tucked in front of a roaring fire, tucking into roast venison. You could barely see the food on the plate, such was the darkness that had descended. There we were, trying to decipher when the bells actually rang. With no power, lots of watches all set at slightly differing times, and several drams on the go. Did it even matter?
First Footing
It’s a Scottish tradition ‘first footing’. On this occasion some poor guest, deemed to have the darkest hair, was bundled out. Straight into the storm with plenty of time to midnight. Reassurances then that he was the ‘lucky’ one. He was armed with coal, a bottle of whisky and some cake. Told to wait until the hour had passed. Gun shots were fired into the night skies to mark the passing of the year. As our ‘first foot’, dreich and cold, was allowed across the threshold once more. The house was blessed with warmth, food for the table, and drink for the year ahead and the party began.

Party Time
I hadn’t quite appreciated how much stamina is required for an island Hogmanay. More and more guests continued to arrive throughout the night. Each one clutching a bag of drink and food to share with the party. Each visitor offered food and a dram from the house before they left for the next home.
The Wee Small Hours and Beyond

Into the wee small hours and beyond, gamekeepers performed their party pieces, swivelling under an upturned broom. A’ squeeze box’ on the knee and ceilidh dances commenced across the kitchen. There were songs a plenty. As the storm died down and the night skies became day, still more revellers arrived. Others lay snoring in the very seats they had been partying in a few hours back. Still clutching mugs of soup. Finally, at some unearthly hour, I managed a little ‘shut eye’. As someone, somewhere in the farmhouse kept that party going. A party which continued into the next day and beyond.
There was such a hearty welcome in every home
Ne’er Day and tables are laden with delicious food, as a warm welcome awaits in each household. So, out and about we headed. ‘Visiting our neighbours’, as the traditional first footing continues past midnight and over into the days to follow.
Celebrate an Island Hogmanay

Thankfully these days, power cuts are rare, but the island’s Hogmanay celebrations continue.
How will you celebrate New Year then? At Persabus you get to choose.
As our cosy cottages offer warmth, peace and quiet. Intermingled with that unique island charm and hospitality.
A chance to ‘escape’ after the festivities and enjoy some peace and quiet…toast in the New Year with family and friends in the most picturesque landscape. Enjoy some of our island hospitality.